The County of Renfrew is a Municipal Government stretching west from Ottawa to the northern tip of historic Algonquin Park. Founded in 1861, Renfrew is the largest county in Ontario and is made up of 17 communities.
County services
Renfrew County provides municipal services to 107,000 residents including:
Community Services including Housing, Ontario Works, and Child Care and Early Years
Emergency Services including Paramedic services and emergency management
Public Works and Engineering including roads and bridges
Finance and Administration including payroll, administration, Provincial Offences Court and pay a fine
Human Resources including employment, privacy, and policies
Economic Development including Enterprise Renfrew County, Ottawa Valley Tourist Association, forestry and GIS
Long-term Care including Bonnechere Manor and Miramichi Lodge
Key business sectors
As a largely rural area, our main business sectors are:
Wood processing
Metal manufacturing
Nuclear science and technology